Join us Sundays: Healing service 10:30am • Worship service 11am • Coffee Hour 12:15pm
Join us Sundays: Healing service 10:30am • Worship service 11am • Coffee Hour 12:15pm
Reminders for all classes:
Cost - Unless otherwise noted, classes are freewill donation, suggested amount $5. Donations can be made in the designated box in the worship area, or at the financial table. If you choose to use PayPal, please note what your donation is for.
Attendance - If you want to serve the church as a student healer or medium, please keep track of classes you attend.
Thought Exchange
Next Thought Exchange is February 17th at 7pm on Zoom only
Our topic will be: "Spiritualism in the time of turmoil"
Zoom link:
Dial 929-205-6099, enter ID 930 3321 8920, for audio only
Held by Lyn Batt
Darlene Feskun will be holding new classes starting on 1/26/2025 at 9am at FST. There is a sign up sheet at the church if anyone is interested in attending
Spiritualism 101 workbooks will be available for purchase
Saturday, March 15th from 10am-3pm held by Lynette Lex
The cost will be $30 and will include all materials for the workshop. This will be a therapeutic art class to make a collage that is representative of human and animal loved ones in Spirit. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch
Saturday, June 7th 10:30am-2:30pm held by Bonnie Woods
The cost will be $30 and will include all materials for the workshop. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch